LDR Group of Companies has implemented more than 10 projects as a designer. 

  • Development of  design requirements and specifications
  • Development of documentation for stage "P" and submission of documents for examination
  • Collection of initial permissive documentation for approval of government agencies, and obtainment of work permits; 
  • Preparation of a working set of documents after completion of the state examination procedure 
  • Determination of the scope of work, stages and their costs;
  • Coordination of the work plan, schemes and deadlines with the subcontractor
LDR Stroy
196135, St. Petersburg, Yuri Gagarin Avenue 27
+7 (800) 600-79-79

398908, Lipezk, Siedlung Matyrsky, Morshanskaya Str., 4B
+7 (4742) 57-73-19