Technical and author supervision
The LDR Group of Companies carried out author's supervision during the construction of a pharmaceutical plant (CJSC "RAFARMA").

  • Control over compliance with the requirements for construction production, quality control and acceptance of the CMP, taking into account the specific conditions of the construction of the object that affect the quality
  • Control over the status and availability of up-to-date technical documentation, making changes and additions to it
  • Control over the quality of the adopted design decisions
  • Control over the provision of construction with qualified personnel, materials, transport, mechanisms, equipment, etc.
  • Participation in taking measures to reduce unfinished construction and reduce its cost
LDR Stroy
196135, St. Petersburg, Yuri Gagarin Avenue 27
+7 (800) 600-79-79

398908, Lipezk, Siedlung Matyrsky, Morshanskaya Str., 4B
+7 (4742) 57-73-19